2 minute read

A noncomprehensive compilation of my most frequently used commands in Vim.

Cursor Movement

Basic Movement

  • h - Left
  • l - Right
  • k - Up
  • j - Down

Word movement

  • w - Go to beginning of next word
  • e - Go to end of current/next word
  • B - Go back to beginning of last word

Line movement

  • 0 - Go to beginning of line
  • $ - Go to end of line

Page movement

  • h - Move cursor to top of page
  • m - Move cursor to middle of page -L - Move cursor to bottom (low) of page

  • g - jump to end of file
  • gg - Jump to beginning of file

  • } - jump to next paragraph (or function/block, when editing code)
  • { - jump to previous paragraph (or function/block, when editing code)

Ctrl+[key] movement

  • Ctrl+e - move screen down one line (without moving cursor)
  • Ctrl+y - move screen up one line (without moving cursor)
  • Ctrl+b - move screen up one page (cursor to last line)
  • Ctrl+f - move screen down one page (cursor to first line)
  • Ctrl+d - move cursor and screen down 1/2 page
  • Ctrl+u - move cursor and screen up 1/2 page

Text editing

Insert text

  • i - Insert mode
  • o - Insert new line below cursor
  • O - Insert new line before cursor
  • A - Insert at end of current line

Deleting words Note: You can enter view mode (v ) to highlight, delete, cut, and paste multiple lines at once

  • x - Delete character under cursor
  • dw - Delete word over cursor
  • . - When used after dw deletes the next word as well
  • dd - Delete entire line
  • D - Delete from cursor to end of line


  • u - Undo last change
  • 2u - Undo last two changes
  • Ctrl-r - Redo changes

Text replacement

  • r - replace a single character.
  • R - replace more than one character, until esc is pressed.

  • cc - change (replace) entire line
  • c$/C - change (replace) to the end of the line
  • ciw - change (replace) entire word
  • cw/ce - change (replace) to the end of the word

Cut and Paste

Yanking (copy)

  • yy - yank (copy) a line
  • 2yy - yank (copy) 2 lines
  • yw - yank the characters of the word from the cursor position to the start of the next word
  • yiw - yank (copy) word under the cursor
  • yaw - yank (copy) word under the cursor and the space after or before it
  • y$/Y - yank (copy) to end of line

  • d - Cut line
  • P - Paste before cursor
  • p - Paste after cursor


  • ggVG - Select all text in file

