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C++ header files, private/public member variables and methods.


Syntax: A normal C++ class, defined inline

class ClassName {
	// private member variables and methods
	// public member variables and methods
  • private: Variables and functions defined within this scope are only accessible within the class itself
  • public: Variables and functions accessible outside the class

What if we have separate .h / .cpp files?

The point of separating header files is to allow you to make changes to the implementation details (C++ file) without recompiling dependent code if the interface (defined by header file) stays the same

Header file

Example: ClusterManager.h

#ifndef CLUSTER_MANAGER_H  // Include guard to prevent multiple inclusions

#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "KappaMap.h"  // Assuming KappaMap is also a class

class ClusterManager {
    KappaMap kappaMap;
    std::unordered_map<int, std::unordered_set<int>> seeds;
    std::unordered_map<int, std::unordered_set<int>> clusters;

    ClusterManager(const KappaMap& km);
    void initializeSeeds(double threshold);
    void mergeSeeds();
    double calculateOverlap(int currentTermIdx, int otherTermIdx);
    void optimizeClusters();
    Rcpp::List exportClustersForR();


C++ file

Example: ClusterManager.cpp

#include "ClusterManager.h"

ClusterManager::ClusterManager(const KappaMap& km) : kappaMap(km) {}

void ClusterManager::initializeSeeds(double threshold) {
    // Implementation details

void ClusterManager::mergeSeeds() {
    // Implementation details

double ClusterManager::calculateOverlap(int currentTermIdx, int otherTermIdx) {
    // Implementation details

void ClusterManager::optimizeClusters() {
    // Implementation details

Rcpp::List ClusterManager::exportClustersForR() {
    // Implementation details

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